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Interview 1:

Interviewing Enrique was quite easy because the chemistry between us two is zero to none. We're like Lob city Chris Paul and Blake Griffin, I'm lobbing the questions up and he's dunking them. I started off putting b-roll of his Soundcloud and his album cover. Then since we filmed in front of the green screen I decided to put videos in the background which included one of Enriques music videos. I also had a background of Miami because Enrique is from South Florida. I also had a title card with his full name and his stage name.

Enrique is a good friend of mine so being interviewed by him was very comfortable for me and it turned out very fluid. You can see by the way I answer that me and the interviewer have a great relationship as friends. Enrique made sure there was good lighting and good sound. To be a better interviewee I made sure I talked loudly and clear and also repeated the questions that were being asked in my answers so that the editor had an easy time editing it. 

Interview 2:

I was the interviewer for this one. Interviewing exchange students can be very interesting because you can ask questions about the country they are from. I did not get to finish editing it. Had I finished it I would've added a title card, more b-roll of specific answers like Chinese food and different activities Angie likes to do like film.

I was Director of photography. I tried to film her so that she was in the left third of the shot and she was facing away from the camera leaving herself open to the camera. I also tried to light her to make her eyes and face light up to separate her from the background and make for a more interesting shot.

Being interviewed was very interesting because it was with people who I haven't really interacted with much.It was a little awkward at first but then we got rolling and things went smoothly. I tried to answer in complete sentences making sure to state the question in my answer so the audience would know what I'm talking about.

Documentary Review:

    Fyre Festival was a complete flop but this documentary was certainly not. I watched a documentary called Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened. It was a very good documentary which told the cautionary tale of setting unachievable goals with too little time. Billy Mcfarland was a naive entrepreneur who would stop at nothing for money. This included promoting a “once in a lifetime” three day party in the Bahamas for people to pay almost $500,000 to attend. At first it looked like people were gonna get what they paid for and everything was running smoothly. That is until Billy realized he had a month to put this party together. He started completely going full on cheapskate to try and get everything together in time. When the festival started people were outraged. The $25,000 dollar private cabanas people paid for turned out to actually be left over soaked tents from a hurricane relief site. There was no food or water set up and people were stuck there. So the attendees went wild. They started tearing tents, lighting people belongings on fire and trashing everything. They went home soon and everyone wanted to sue Billy or their money back. This was bad because the Bahamians were already suing Billy because he never paid them for their work.



The documentary told this story in a very interesting way that never ceased to capture my attention. The story was told by workers of Billy’s company Fyre and some Bahamian locals who worked to set up the festival. They told really shocking stories of deception and you could feel the anger the pulsed inside of them. The emotion was raw and you could feel it with every sentence spoken. I really enjoyed the b-roll they added to help tell the story. They showed videos of attendees lighting tents on fire. The documentary also had a lot of videos of Billy and his friends partying while everyone else was doing the work to set up the festival. I also really enjoyed the backgrounds of some of the interviews as most of them were in the Bahamas at the site of the festival. It looked very pretty and added life to the interviews.


 I think everyone would enjoy watching this documentary. It is made for people who want to hear a interesting story of one man's perseverance that turned into a costly stubbornness. It is also a very heartbreaking story because you see peoples lives being taken down as a result of Billy’s neglect to care for his companies reputation.

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